Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bad Romance

Bad Romance is a new single from Lady Gaga. JL just sent the song to me.
The song is superb, damn nice.
"I want your love"
"I don't wanna be friends"


Aiya, I am very lazy to write here ar.
As I am writing to the Google Group everyday now,
I have nothing to write here leh.
Please join my Google Group, okay?

Life's good lately, if you want to know.
Emm, think again, it's not to say good, just as usual ya.
The PC at home is not working anymore after I tried to upgrade it to Windows 7.
I am not sure what to do now.
Should I change a new PC?
I mean, just get a cheap one as the PC at home is use to download and upload only.
What do you think?

A guy called me darling this morning.
I told him, don't simply call me darling,
unless you want to marry me and love me for the rest of your life.
Ass hole!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010