Friday, December 14, 2007

Prevoius Meeting:

During the special meeting of the SOUTHERN MINDANAO COLLEGES H.R.M. students on December 13, 2007 at H.R.M. Laboratory, Engineering Department. It was started at exactly 4:00pm and Presided by Marjun Bianet, H.R.M. Governor, Dianne Madarang, H.R.M. Vice-Governor ac as Secretary on Board as yours truly, Hamdi Dagadas, H.R.M. Board Member act as Secretary on Chair.

The previous minutes are as follows:

The assembly agreed to have a DEPARTMENTAL CHRISTMAS PARTY together with ENGINEERING students and agreed that each students will contributed P30.00 for the snacks and preparation for the venue of the Christmas party. The assembly also tackled about the contribution of every MEETINGS, PROGRAMS and PARTIES for the STUDENTS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Project/s, it was approved by the Majority votes. The next motion is that the deadline of the contribution will be on December 18,2007 Tuesday and then it follows immediately by the motion that each year level will present an Intermission Numbers in the said event and it is depends on the H.R.M. and ENGINEERING students on what kind of presentation they will present, and it was approved also by the Majority Vote Cast from the assembly. After the couple of hour discussing the Agenda, it was finally Adjourn at Exactly 5:30 pm.

Prepared by: hamdi Dagadas

H.R.M. Board of Member

Checked by: Dianne Madarang

H.R.M. Vice-Governor

Verified by: Marjun Bianet

H.R.M. Governor

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