Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Good looking student Monaim Bra doesn't mind being called "NICE GUY". The 2nd year Zainab nice guy icon actually takes it as compliments. Currently taking up Business Management at Notre Dame University, He expalins that he just takes it in stride whenever his friends chides him for being "TOO NICE". "I know how to make fun of myself too", He smiles. Does he ever go Clubbing or Stay-out late? "I'm a coffe-and-movie kind of guy", He explains. "Confidence is important when you do anything" Monaim says. With all his dreams and Idealisms intact, He seems like the type of person who will surely go places and make friends whoever he is. And I am one of those friends of him aho also tag him as "Mr. NIce GUy" of 2nd year Zainab. He also became as one of the member of "SPIRIT BOIZ" of our Batch and as known as Lloyd.

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