Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Popular Small But Terible and 2nd year Zainab "BRAINY HIGH" Hafsa Arab icon exclaims that she loves studying. "Studying has never been a chores." She confesses "And the first day always made me excited. Seeing your clasmates again, Having a new notebooks! It's fun!" It's no wonder that Hafsa was a consistent Honor Studentand even graduated as Validectorian in her High School. "It was a gradual prrocesses" Se expalins when asked how she blommed into a Chemistry Personality she is today. "There were lot of BOO-BOOS at the startbut I just really practiced since I was at age of 3." She laughs. Her hardwoks and her enthusiasms to take on any challenges certyainly has paid off. "Like in scholl, you can't go from A to C right away. It got to be A-B-C." She smiles. And now! Hafsa is currently taking up he BS in Bio-Chemistry at Mindanao States University at General Santos City.

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