Friday, April 20, 2012

I want to go the place where no one know me except my friends......

I just like to have fun with my friends without bringing with my father or parents with me on that day. I want to be independent in some ways. I want to do some things that’s without help of my parents. I want to enjoy and taste some difficulties that’s being protected by my parents. I want to discover more about reality without my parents. I want to be free. Liek seriously. -.-‘

How can I taste a little bit of difficulty if they keep on nagging and tell me that I should be safe always. I know, life is hard, but my life now is being imprisoned for liek 19 yrs already with my parents. I went to the mall with my parents. I went out with my friends + with parents -.-’ I went out to the beach with my classmates/blockmates + with parents (again)

I can’t wait for that day, where I can live on my own and taste some difficulty and find some solutions on my own. I want it to happen, right now o:

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