The Believers men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise. (71) Allah hath promised to Believers men and women Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in Gardens of everlasting stay. but the greatest bliss in the Good Pleasure of Allah: that is the Supreme Felicity. (72) O Prophet! strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell― an evil refuge indeed. (73) They swear by Allah that they said nothing (evil), but indeed they uttered blasphemy, and they did it after accepting Islam; and they meditated a plot which they were unable to carry out: this revenge of theirs was (their) only return for the bounty with which Allah and His Messenger had enriched them! If they repent, it will be best for them; but if they turn back (to their evil ways), Allah will punish them with a grievous penalty in this life and in the Hereafter: they shall have none on earth to protect or help them. (74) Amongst them are men who made a covenant with Allah, that if He bestowed on them of His bounty they would give (largely) in charity, and be truly amongst those who are righteous. (75) But when He did bestow of His bounty, they became misers and turned back (from their covenant), averse (from its fulfillment). (76) So He hath put as a consequence hypocrisy into their hearts, (to last) till the Day whereon they shall meet Him: because they broke their Covenant with Allah, and because they lied (again and again). (77) Know they not that Allah doth know their secret (thoughts) and their secret counsels, and that Allah knoweth well all things unseen? (78) Those who slander such of the Believers as give themselves freely to (deeds of) charity as well as such as can find nothing to give except the fruits of their labour and throw ridicule on them,― Allah will throw back their ridicule on them: and they shall have a grievous penalty. (79) Whether thou ask for their forgiveness or not, (their sin is unforgivable): if thou ask seventy times for their forgiveness, Allah will not forgive them: because they have rejected Allah and His Messenger; and Allah guideth not those who are perversely rebellious. (80)
اور مسلمان مرد اور مسلمان عورتیں آپس میں ایک دوسرے کے(دینی) رفیق ہیں۔نیک باتوں کی تعلیم دیتے ہیں اور بُری باتوں سے منع کرتے ہیں اور نماز کی پابندی کرتے ہیں اور زکوة دیتے ہیں اور الله اور اس کے رسولﷺ کا کہنا مانتے ہیں ان لوگوں پر ضرور الله تعالیٰ رحم کرے گا بلاشبہہ الله تعالیٰ قادرِ (مطلق) ہے حکمت والا ہے۔ (۷۱)الله تعالیٰ نے مسلمان مَردوں اور مسلمان عورتوں سے ایسے باغوں کا وعدہ کررکھا ہے جن کے نیچے سے نہریں چلتی ہونگی جن میں وہ ہمیشہ رہیں گے اور نفیس مکانوں کا جوکہ ان ہمیشگی کے باغوں میں ہونگے اور (ان سب نعمتوں کے ساتھ) الله تعالیٰ کی رضامندی سب (نعمتوں)سے بڑی چیز ہے۔(یہ جزائے مذکور) بڑی کامیابی ہے۔ (۷۲) اے نبیﷺ کفار (سے بالسّنان)اور منافقین سے (باللسّان) جہاد کیجئیے اور ان پر سختی کیجئیے (دنیا میں تو یہ اس کے مستحق ہیں) اور (آخرت میں) ان کا ٹھکانا دوزخ ہے۔اور وہ بُری جگہ ہے۔ (۷۳) وہ لوگ قسمیں کھاجاتے ہیں کہ ہم نے (فلانی بات) نہیں کہی حالانکہ یقیناً انہوں نے کفر کی بات کہی تھی اور (وہ بات کہہ کر) اپنے اسلام (ظاہری) کے بعد (ظاہر میں بھی) کافر ہوگئے اور انہوں نے ایسی بات کا ارادہ کیا تھا جو ان کے ہاتھ نہ لگی اور یہ کہ انہوں نے صرف اس بات کا بدلہ دیا ہے کہ ان کو الله نے اور اس کے رسولﷺ نے رزقِ خداوندی سے مالدار کردیا۔سو اگر(اس کے بعد بھی) توبہ کریں تو ان کے لیے (دونوں جہان میں) بہتر ہوگا۔اور اگر روگردانی کی تو الله تعالی ٰان کو دنیا اور آخرت میں دردناک سزا دے گا۔اور ان کادنیا میں نہ کوئی یار ہے اور نہ مددگار۔ (۷۴) اور ان (منافقین) میں بعض آدمی ایسے ہیں کہ خدا تعالیٰ سے عہد کرتے ہیں کہ اگر الله تعالیٰ ہم کو اپنے فضل سے (بہت سامال) عطا فرمادے تو ہم خوب خیٰرات کریں اور ہم (اُس کے ذریعہ سے) خوب نیک نیک کام کیا کریں۔ (۷۵) سو جب الله تعالیٰ نے ان کو اپنے فضل سے(بہت سا مال) دے دیا تووہ اس میں بخل کرنے لگے (کہ زکوة نہ دی) اور (اطاعت سے)روگردانی کرنے لگے۔ (۷۶) اور وہ تو روگردانی کے (پہلے ہی سے) عادی ہیں سو الله تعالیٰ نے ان کی سزا میں ان کے دلوں میں نفاق (قائم)کردیا جو اس (خدا) کے پاس جانے کے دن تک رہے گا اس سبب سے کہ انہوں نے خدا تعالیٰ سے اپنے وعدہ میں خلاف کیااور اس سبب سے کہ وہ (اس وعدہ میں شروع ہی سے)جھوٹ بولتے تھے۔ (۷۷) کیا ان کو خبر نہیں کہ الله تعالیٰ کو ان کے دل کا راز اور ان کی سرگوشی سب معلوم ہے اور یہ کہ الله تعالیٰ تمام غیب کی باتوں کو خوب جانتے ہیں۔ (۷۸) یہ (منافقین) ایسے ہیں کہ نفل صدقہ دینے والے مسلمان پر صدقات کے بارے میں طعن کرتے ہیں اور (خصوص) ان لوگوں پر (اور زیادہ) جن کو بجز محنت و مزدوری کے اور کچھ میسر نہیں ہوتا یعنی ان سے تمسخر کرتے ہیں۔الله تعالیٰ ان کو اس تمسخر کا (تو خاص) بدلہ دے گا اور (مطلق طعن کا یہ بدلہ ملے ہی گا کہ) ان کے لیے دردناک (آخرت میں) سزا ہوگی ۔ (۷۹) آپ خواہ ان (منافقین) کے لیے استغفار کریں یا ان کے لیے استغفار نہ کریں۔ اگر آپ ان کے لیے ستر بار بھی استغفار کرینگے تب بھی الله تعالیٰ ان کو نہ بخشے گا یہ اِس وجہ سے ہے کہ انہوں نے الله اور رسولﷺ سے کفر کیا۔اور الله تعالیٰ ایسے سرکش لوگوں کو ہدایت نہیں کیا کرتا۔ (۸۰)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
How to Have Better Luck with Gay Dating Sites
Online dating is a huge money maker these days and nearly everyone has had a profile on one of these sites at some point. But it can be even harder to find a date on gay dating sites than on predominantly straight sites. The competition on dating sites geared towards the gay community is extremely fierce. You've got to have something pretty great to offer to get the kind of attention you are looking for. Your approach is going to differ depending on whether you are a gay male or a lesbian. So for the purposes of this article, all advice will be geared towards men. I will write a similar article for the lesbian community at a later time. Follow these tips to increase your odds of getting noticed on gay dating sites.
1. First and foremost you must consider what it is you are really looking for. Once you've decided you should check into dating sites that are specifically geared for what it is you're after. If you're looking for casual hookups and meeting new guys without anything serious you need to go with gay adult dating websites. This way everyone there wants the same thing and you don't run the risk of leading a guy on with false hopes of a committed relationship. You'll get exactly what you're in the market for with none of the confusion or hurt feelings. But if you're tired of the casual dating scene and are looking to find Mr. Right, then stay away from adult dating sites. You're not going to find love there. You'll only be setting yourself up for getting hurt. Focus your attention on some of the larger match making sites that have established a good reputation or sites geared toward those seeking a long term relationship. For example is a gay personals site where all members are seeking something more than a one night stand. There are a lot of other websites like this out there to choose from
2. Make your photo count! Your main photo on your dating profile is the most important thing. People will tell you that what you say is the most important, but in reality a guy's not going to see your well written biography if he isn't interested in your pic. So choose wisely! A woman may be able to over look an imperfect photo but gay men have much higher expecations. A very well done headshot is your best bet for your main pic. Of course, be sure to include lots of full body shots as well but you want your main pic to focus on your face. This rule doesn't apply to hookup sites, however, in these instances a full body shot is almost a requirement for your main pic. But whatever photo you use, make it good. Don't take pics of you with your ex. Don't put up a photo that's grainy and bad quality. Make sure the lighting is good, that your skin looks great, that your teeth aren't yellow and that your hair is perfectly done. No one wants a guy who can't take care of himself properly.
3. Really think about the content of your profile. This is a dating advertisement. Treat it as such. Make your profile short and straight forward. Don't go on and on about things. Be sure that your profile is grammatically correct and that everything makes sense. You'll only embarrass yourself with a sloppy profile full of misspellings and incorrect use of punctuation. And believe it or not, intelligence can be a huge turn on for many men. Ignorance however, can cause an interested party to hit the back button.
1. First and foremost you must consider what it is you are really looking for. Once you've decided you should check into dating sites that are specifically geared for what it is you're after. If you're looking for casual hookups and meeting new guys without anything serious you need to go with gay adult dating websites. This way everyone there wants the same thing and you don't run the risk of leading a guy on with false hopes of a committed relationship. You'll get exactly what you're in the market for with none of the confusion or hurt feelings. But if you're tired of the casual dating scene and are looking to find Mr. Right, then stay away from adult dating sites. You're not going to find love there. You'll only be setting yourself up for getting hurt. Focus your attention on some of the larger match making sites that have established a good reputation or sites geared toward those seeking a long term relationship. For example is a gay personals site where all members are seeking something more than a one night stand. There are a lot of other websites like this out there to choose from
2. Make your photo count! Your main photo on your dating profile is the most important thing. People will tell you that what you say is the most important, but in reality a guy's not going to see your well written biography if he isn't interested in your pic. So choose wisely! A woman may be able to over look an imperfect photo but gay men have much higher expecations. A very well done headshot is your best bet for your main pic. Of course, be sure to include lots of full body shots as well but you want your main pic to focus on your face. This rule doesn't apply to hookup sites, however, in these instances a full body shot is almost a requirement for your main pic. But whatever photo you use, make it good. Don't take pics of you with your ex. Don't put up a photo that's grainy and bad quality. Make sure the lighting is good, that your skin looks great, that your teeth aren't yellow and that your hair is perfectly done. No one wants a guy who can't take care of himself properly.
3. Really think about the content of your profile. This is a dating advertisement. Treat it as such. Make your profile short and straight forward. Don't go on and on about things. Be sure that your profile is grammatically correct and that everything makes sense. You'll only embarrass yourself with a sloppy profile full of misspellings and incorrect use of punctuation. And believe it or not, intelligence can be a huge turn on for many men. Ignorance however, can cause an interested party to hit the back button.
Monday, September 13, 2010

Dimataling is a 4th class municipality in the province of Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines. According to the 2000 census, it has a population of 25,843 people in 4,949 households.
Dimataling is administratively subdivided into 24 barangays.
* Bacayawan
* Baha
* Balanagan
* Baluno
* Binuay
* Buburay
* Grap
* Josefina
* Kagawasan
* Lalab
* Libertad
* Magahis
* Mahayag
* Mercedes
* Poblacion
* Saloagan
* San Roque
* Sugbay Uno
* Sumbato
* Sumpot
* Tinggabulong
* Tiniguangan
* Tipangi
* Upper Ludion
With the distinction of being one of Zamboanga del Sur’s oldest towns, Dimataling is a 4th class municipality that is located some 56 kilometers northwest of the province’s capital of Pagadian City. Its geographical coordinates are 7 degrees 31′ 55″ North and 123 degrees 21′ 59″ East. According to the census, as of 2000, Dimataling has a population of 25,843 people in 4,949 households. All the 24 barangays are distributed over 141.8 square kilometers of land, majority of which are flat lands and rolling lands. Those who want to go to Dimataling will find that it is accessible via land and sea via Pagadian City.
Dimataling was originally inhabited by Muslims during its initial creation on June 17, 1950. Like most of the municipalities and towns of Zamboanga del Sur, settlers eventually came in, although not as many as those in major municipalities such as Midsalip or Aurora. Most of the migrants who came in are Christians, mostly Cebuanos, and until now, both peoples are co-existing peacefully with each other. Muslims and Subanens, however, are still the prevalent group of people and their customs are the ones that a visitor will often see in their first trip to the place.
Dimataling is mostly an agricultural town, with cassava, bananas, and copra as its main products. Since the town is also coastal, by Illana Bay, fishing is also another source of livelihood. The bananas produced in Dimataling, in particular, are quite popular with the neighboring municipalities and even out of the province. Banana production started small, with only several farmers planting the crop. However, upon discovering that there is indeed money to be had with the crop, other farmers followed suit until it became the a major crop of the municipality. The bananas that Dimataling produce are usually of the cardava variety and they are usually made into chips and other banana products.
With the construction of the concrete provincial road that leads from Dimataling to Pitogo, it is assumed that more and more people and industries will find its way into this lovely municipal town.
Testing, testing...YouTube begins trial of new live streaming platform
From U2 to the Indian Premier League to the White House to E3, we've worked closely with our partners to give you a front row seat to a wide array of live events. Today and tomorrow, tune in as we open a new chapter of YouTube live streaming. Starting at 8:00 a.m. PT, we will begin a limited trial of a new live streaming platform in conjunction with four of our partners: Howcast, Next New Networks, Rocketboom and Young Hollywood.
This new platform integrates live streaming directly into YouTube channels; all broadcasters need is a webcam or external USB/FireWire camera. Included in the test is a “Live Comments” module which lets you engage with the broadcaster and the broader YouTube community. For the purpose of the trial, this offering will only be available today and tomorrow. Based on the results of this initial test, we’ll evaluate rolling out the platform more broadly to our partners worldwide.
Check out all the live broadcasts via the interactive schedule below, and feel free to share this schedule across the web via the embed functionality. Bear with us as we test this new platform as there may be some bumps along the way. Please share your feedback in the comments section below (though note that the section is moderated due to spam). Thanks!
This new platform integrates live streaming directly into YouTube channels; all broadcasters need is a webcam or external USB/FireWire camera. Included in the test is a “Live Comments” module which lets you engage with the broadcaster and the broader YouTube community. For the purpose of the trial, this offering will only be available today and tomorrow. Based on the results of this initial test, we’ll evaluate rolling out the platform more broadly to our partners worldwide.
Check out all the live broadcasts via the interactive schedule below, and feel free to share this schedule across the web via the embed functionality. Bear with us as we test this new platform as there may be some bumps along the way. Please share your feedback in the comments section below (though note that the section is moderated due to spam). Thanks!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
MeTube, YouTube
Been trawling the deep dark recesses of YouTube lately during my random breaks at the office. A necessary evil, this. Keeping your sanity in the face of 200 page agreements dictate as such.
YouTube. The best thing since sliced bread, then. Never have voyeuristic pleasures been so well-catered for. One website with a seemingly limitless supply of snapshots from other people's lives.
You’d be amazed at the stuff you’ll find there these days. I’ve even devised a game of amusement built around YouTube’s searchable database. It goes a little something like this:
(1) Open YouTube.
(2) Click on the search tab.
(3) Key in the first thing that comes into your head.
(4) Click on the first video that appears.
The results are usually quite amusing.
Last week, the words “lady” and “driver” popped in my head, no thanks to a frustrating encounter with one earlier in the. What I found was this:
YouTube. The best thing since sliced bread, then. Never have voyeuristic pleasures been so well-catered for. One website with a seemingly limitless supply of snapshots from other people's lives.
You’d be amazed at the stuff you’ll find there these days. I’ve even devised a game of amusement built around YouTube’s searchable database. It goes a little something like this:
(1) Open YouTube.
(2) Click on the search tab.
(3) Key in the first thing that comes into your head.
(4) Click on the first video that appears.
The results are usually quite amusing.
Last week, the words “lady” and “driver” popped in my head, no thanks to a frustrating encounter with one earlier in the. What I found was this:
Saturday, September 4, 2010
The Abusive Relationship
The following is a true account of what happened to my friend. Names have been changed to protect the identity of the persons involved.
Richard, a white gay male who is in his late 40s, have been dating Simon, a Asian gay male who is in his mid-20s. During their courtship, Richard would always ask Simon over for dinner and sex. Richard is just the perfect male specimen and a dream-guy of every young man. He's a gentleman, a good cook in French and Italian cuisine, acquires a vast knowledge about wine, impeccable command of English and other foreign languages and above all, he's very good in bed and Simon admits that it was the best sex he ever had.
You may think this guy seems to good to be true and it's impossible that there is a perfect man out there like him. Well, you're right. Richard does have his flaws; he sleeps around with any guy he could get, even to the extent of going to a neighbouring country just to have fun with other guys.
When he comes back, he would boast on how great his sex adventures was to Simon without realising this hurt Simon deeply in the heart. To Richard, Simon is just one of those guys he have fun with and there isn't any feeling of love being involved and Simon knows this as a fact. In return, Simon would also tell Richard about his great ONS with a guy and that's it!
Richard was furious and upset and he thought Simon was comparing him with that guy and it makes Richard felt inferior about his sex skill but it was not Simon's intention at all to make Richard feel so. He was just doing what Richard has done all these while, by speaking out how great his sex fun with other guys. So why can't Simon do the same?
Richard said it's fine with him that Simon have fun with other guys but it's wrong of Simon to tell him about it. Don't you think Richard is being selfish and ego-maniac? Oh! So now, he is the only one who can talk about his great sex but not Simon? This is unfair! He's making such a huge issue out of it as though Simon is all wrong and he's right.
After that incident, Richard still keep talking about his fun with other guys to Simon. What's his intention? Simon couldn't take it anymore after being psychologically abused and cut off ties with him and blocked him from his MSN Messenger Chat. I'm glad that Simon has finally taken up enough courage to leave him for good but only time will heal the wound.
Richard, a white gay male who is in his late 40s, have been dating Simon, a Asian gay male who is in his mid-20s. During their courtship, Richard would always ask Simon over for dinner and sex. Richard is just the perfect male specimen and a dream-guy of every young man. He's a gentleman, a good cook in French and Italian cuisine, acquires a vast knowledge about wine, impeccable command of English and other foreign languages and above all, he's very good in bed and Simon admits that it was the best sex he ever had.
You may think this guy seems to good to be true and it's impossible that there is a perfect man out there like him. Well, you're right. Richard does have his flaws; he sleeps around with any guy he could get, even to the extent of going to a neighbouring country just to have fun with other guys.
When he comes back, he would boast on how great his sex adventures was to Simon without realising this hurt Simon deeply in the heart. To Richard, Simon is just one of those guys he have fun with and there isn't any feeling of love being involved and Simon knows this as a fact. In return, Simon would also tell Richard about his great ONS with a guy and that's it!
Richard was furious and upset and he thought Simon was comparing him with that guy and it makes Richard felt inferior about his sex skill but it was not Simon's intention at all to make Richard feel so. He was just doing what Richard has done all these while, by speaking out how great his sex fun with other guys. So why can't Simon do the same?
Richard said it's fine with him that Simon have fun with other guys but it's wrong of Simon to tell him about it. Don't you think Richard is being selfish and ego-maniac? Oh! So now, he is the only one who can talk about his great sex but not Simon? This is unfair! He's making such a huge issue out of it as though Simon is all wrong and he's right.
After that incident, Richard still keep talking about his fun with other guys to Simon. What's his intention? Simon couldn't take it anymore after being psychologically abused and cut off ties with him and blocked him from his MSN Messenger Chat. I'm glad that Simon has finally taken up enough courage to leave him for good but only time will heal the wound.
To Wear or Not To Wear
This is not about clothing but condom. Some gay men prefer to have safe sex and would only fuck or let the other guy fuck with condom but I’m sure every man out there, be it straight or gay would like to have sex without having to wear anything around their penis but it seems to be an impossible these days since the existence of STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) and the most fearing of all... AIDS.
Recently, a female singer from an all-girl group in Germany was charged and trial for having unprotected sex with men without disclosing to the men that she has HIV positive and unfortunately, one of the men she had sex with has been infected with the virus. The irony is the name of the pop group is No Angels.
So the next time you find a hot sexy hunk or a cute young teenage boy from those gay personal sites and wanted to have sex with him, do you believe him if he told you he is clean, and very healthy from any disease? Do you believe his words? What is your prevention from getting any if he lies? What if he’s those who has infected with the virus from other men and he felt angry and wanted to take revenge but he can’t find that guy as he doesn’t know which guy passed the disease to him and so, he take it out to other guys who sleep with him. What happens if you’re the next guy? Are you willing to take the risk?
I know some would say, “Well, we are all going to die eventually. It’s just a matter of time so why bother about such thing. Life is short. Have fun!” Yes, I agree that life is short and we should live life to the fullest but it doesn’t mean we can go risking our lives like that. Honestly, I don’t think anyone would like to spend their old days looking at the effect of the disease on their skin and body. Who wants to suffer at such old age? Don’t you wish to spend your golden age enjoying life slowly and healthily?
No wonder some gay would end their lives once they found out they have the disease because they cannot face the future with the virus in their body. Well, at the end of the day, the decision is in your hands and your future lies in the decision you make today.
To wear or not to wear? You make the decision.
Recently, a female singer from an all-girl group in Germany was charged and trial for having unprotected sex with men without disclosing to the men that she has HIV positive and unfortunately, one of the men she had sex with has been infected with the virus. The irony is the name of the pop group is No Angels.
So the next time you find a hot sexy hunk or a cute young teenage boy from those gay personal sites and wanted to have sex with him, do you believe him if he told you he is clean, and very healthy from any disease? Do you believe his words? What is your prevention from getting any if he lies? What if he’s those who has infected with the virus from other men and he felt angry and wanted to take revenge but he can’t find that guy as he doesn’t know which guy passed the disease to him and so, he take it out to other guys who sleep with him. What happens if you’re the next guy? Are you willing to take the risk?
I know some would say, “Well, we are all going to die eventually. It’s just a matter of time so why bother about such thing. Life is short. Have fun!” Yes, I agree that life is short and we should live life to the fullest but it doesn’t mean we can go risking our lives like that. Honestly, I don’t think anyone would like to spend their old days looking at the effect of the disease on their skin and body. Who wants to suffer at such old age? Don’t you wish to spend your golden age enjoying life slowly and healthily?
No wonder some gay would end their lives once they found out they have the disease because they cannot face the future with the virus in their body. Well, at the end of the day, the decision is in your hands and your future lies in the decision you make today.
To wear or not to wear? You make the decision.
It's finally Over!
After six seasons with a total of ninety-four episodes, I can finally announce that I have finished watching the complete series of the show Sex and the City. I have been deprived of so many sleeps over the months just to catch up on this show.
I don't know what is so addictive about the series even after I've finished watching it. It could be the hilarious lines or the hot men featured along each episode but if you asked me if it's good or whether I would recommend others to watch, my answer would be this-Watch it if you have the free time.
I'm not saying it's not good but I still can't see what makes me attracted to it in the first place. I know, it's a weird feeling because it's either you love it or hate it but for me, I can't even say I like it. When my friend asked how's the show or if I like it, I say, "It's ok."
Honestly, I have never watched any TV show or series in its entire complete seasons. I like the series 24 starring Kiefer Sutherland as the agent Jack Bauer but I watched until the fifth season and never got a chance to continue because my friend borrowed it from another friend and the lending process just kind of stopped. Maybe I should get my hands on it and continue watching because it has only eight seasons and that means three more seasons for me to complete it.
So, what TV series/show have you watched in its entire seasons that you think it's good? Do recommend me some as I'm running out of shows to watch.
I don't know what is so addictive about the series even after I've finished watching it. It could be the hilarious lines or the hot men featured along each episode but if you asked me if it's good or whether I would recommend others to watch, my answer would be this-Watch it if you have the free time.
I'm not saying it's not good but I still can't see what makes me attracted to it in the first place. I know, it's a weird feeling because it's either you love it or hate it but for me, I can't even say I like it. When my friend asked how's the show or if I like it, I say, "It's ok."
Honestly, I have never watched any TV show or series in its entire complete seasons. I like the series 24 starring Kiefer Sutherland as the agent Jack Bauer but I watched until the fifth season and never got a chance to continue because my friend borrowed it from another friend and the lending process just kind of stopped. Maybe I should get my hands on it and continue watching because it has only eight seasons and that means three more seasons for me to complete it.
So, what TV series/show have you watched in its entire seasons that you think it's good? Do recommend me some as I'm running out of shows to watch.
Why do people lie and pretend to be the best when they're dating someone? Just to impress that person so that he or she would like you in return? And what's next after you got him or her in a relationship? Without realising, you will return back to your normal self. You don't find it necessary anymore to impress your lover because he's yours already.
Let's take a comparison on a heterosexual dating couple during the dating period and after they have confirmed to be in a relationship.
Scenario 1
Girl: Do I look nice in this dress?
Man: You look fabulous. You're the prettiest.
Girl: Do I look nice in this dress?
Man: You still think you're young? You look the same no matter what you wear.
Scenario 2
Man: What do you want to eat?
Girl: Sushi.
Man: Ok, let's go.
Man: What do you want to eat?
Girl: Sushi.
Man: Don't want lah. So expensive.
Scenario 3
Man: I love you baby.
Girl: I love you too, hubby.
Girl: How come you don't say 'I love you' anymore to me?
Man: Eee.... so gross.
Scenario 4
Girl: We have not been going out for the whole week already.
Man: I'm sorry baby. I have been busy with work. I promise next week I'll take you out, ok?
Girl: We have not been going out for the whole week already.
Man: You think I got no work, is it?
Scenario 5
Girl: How's the taste? This is my first time cooking porridge.
Man: No matter what you cook, it taste sweet.
Girl: How's the taste? This is my first time cooking pasta.
Man: You try your own.
Why do we change our tone and way of speech after we got the other half in a stable relationship? Are we putting a mask when we go out dating the potential? Are we pretending to be someone else? Why are we hiding our true self? Why are we trying to be so polite and sweet during the dating period but all those sweet talks are gone once the relationship is stable. Why?
Let's take a comparison on a heterosexual dating couple during the dating period and after they have confirmed to be in a relationship.
Scenario 1
Girl: Do I look nice in this dress?
Man: You look fabulous. You're the prettiest.
Girl: Do I look nice in this dress?
Man: You still think you're young? You look the same no matter what you wear.
Scenario 2
Man: What do you want to eat?
Girl: Sushi.
Man: Ok, let's go.
Man: What do you want to eat?
Girl: Sushi.
Man: Don't want lah. So expensive.
Scenario 3
Man: I love you baby.
Girl: I love you too, hubby.
Girl: How come you don't say 'I love you' anymore to me?
Man: Eee.... so gross.
Scenario 4
Girl: We have not been going out for the whole week already.
Man: I'm sorry baby. I have been busy with work. I promise next week I'll take you out, ok?
Girl: We have not been going out for the whole week already.
Man: You think I got no work, is it?
Scenario 5
Girl: How's the taste? This is my first time cooking porridge.
Man: No matter what you cook, it taste sweet.
Girl: How's the taste? This is my first time cooking pasta.
Man: You try your own.
Why do we change our tone and way of speech after we got the other half in a stable relationship? Are we putting a mask when we go out dating the potential? Are we pretending to be someone else? Why are we hiding our true self? Why are we trying to be so polite and sweet during the dating period but all those sweet talks are gone once the relationship is stable. Why?
The Law of Attraction
Handsome Male + Ugly Female = He is a prick.
Ugly Male + Beautiful Female = He is rich.
Handsome Male + Beautiful Female = Break-up is imminent.
Ugly Male + Ugly Female = Will produce one beautiful child.
Ugly Male + Ugly Male = Friends
Ugly Male + Handsome Male = Friends
Handsome Male + Handsome Male = Gay
Ugly Female + Beautiful Female = Friends
Ugly Female + Ugly Female = Lesbian
Beautiful Female + Beautiful Female = Enemies
Ugly Male + Beautiful Female = He is rich.
Handsome Male + Beautiful Female = Break-up is imminent.
Ugly Male + Ugly Female = Will produce one beautiful child.
Ugly Male + Ugly Male = Friends
Ugly Male + Handsome Male = Friends
Handsome Male + Handsome Male = Gay
Ugly Female + Beautiful Female = Friends
Ugly Female + Ugly Female = Lesbian
Beautiful Female + Beautiful Female = Enemies
What to Eat?
Have you ever walked around a mall's food court and don't know what to eat? Have you experienced looking at the food menu of a restaurant for so long that you still cannot decide what to order? I have this difficulty and it's not just once in awhile but it's happening every single time I'm in a food court or even in a restaurant.
I can keep reading the menu repeatedly for so many times from cover to cover but still cannot decide what to eat and I'm usually the last one to decide regardless whether I have company or I'm alone. The only place I don't have to worry about this decision making is the buffet because everything is laid out for you to take and eat and I can try a little bit of every dish.
Every time I go to the mall, I will have difficulty in what to eat and it starts on which food outlet I should go to; food court, restaurants, cafe, fast food? If I have decided restaurant, the next question is which restaurant? I will usually stand at the information map to read the list of restaurants listed there and see which one to choose. Next, after I went into the restaurant, the waiter will hand me the menu and I will take so long to choose what to eat.
Do you have this difficulty in you when you want to eat? How do you decide what to eat and where to eat? Any method?
I can keep reading the menu repeatedly for so many times from cover to cover but still cannot decide what to eat and I'm usually the last one to decide regardless whether I have company or I'm alone. The only place I don't have to worry about this decision making is the buffet because everything is laid out for you to take and eat and I can try a little bit of every dish.
Every time I go to the mall, I will have difficulty in what to eat and it starts on which food outlet I should go to; food court, restaurants, cafe, fast food? If I have decided restaurant, the next question is which restaurant? I will usually stand at the information map to read the list of restaurants listed there and see which one to choose. Next, after I went into the restaurant, the waiter will hand me the menu and I will take so long to choose what to eat.
Do you have this difficulty in you when you want to eat? How do you decide what to eat and where to eat? Any method?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Blood Bath
mga parekoy, received this forwarded email msg this morning. thought of sharing this to all my readers and fellow bloggers. hope this would give us all clearer insight and a peek on the other side of the unfortunate event that shook the whole world yesterday.
Postcripts Of A BloodBath
by Bang Lu Min
(One of the Hostages)
Mr. Mendoza was already upset even before he saw on television what the policemen did to his brother. The other tourists who remained inside the bus were complaining. Wei Ji Jiang wanted to go to the bathroom. Dao Chi Yu was hungry and the rest were just groaning and whining like they have forgotten that our lives rest in Mr. Mendoza's hands.
The hostage taker, as you know him was really nice. He treated us okay and even let the elders and the children leave the bus. He said your policemen treated him unfairly. He was a policeman too and was accused of doing something he had no knowledge of. But your government didn't listen so he used us to get everyone's attention.
Things would have never turned for the worst if he didn't see how his family was dragged out of their house and taken into custody. He was watching the news all the time as we huddled around each other behind the bus. He shouted some words in your language then started shooting in the air. A girl about my age started screaming. Mr. Mendoza demanded her to stop but she didn't understand English. God, he had to slash her neck with a knife just to put her to rest. Her boyfriend who tried to hit him was shot in the head.
Tension was rising. You can see in his face how scared and confused he was. The bus driver ran away leaving him alone with strangers from a distant land. I can see him walking across the aisle, sometimes pointing his machine gun to one of the tourists. But he tried his best not to hurt us, especially those who really cooperate.
I guess its in your nature not to inflict pain on others unless it was necessary. I remember him saying that he will free us before sundown and implored us to forget everything when we return home. But his words don't matter now. The policemen were trying to force their way in, while we all lied down to shield ourselves from bullets. Mister Mendoza blindly shoots at his enemies which I think kept them from rescuing us. I hear sobs under the chairs. Some were even shouting the names of their loved ones even when the air merely eat their words. Kevin Tang tried to escape when the glass door was was shattered, but one shot and he slumped on the floor with blood gushing from his mouth.
Heavy rain pitter-pattered on the rooftop. In old Chinese saying, it means an end to a struggle. Finally, somebody was able to open the escape hatch at the back of the bus. Freedom. But I knew Mister Mendoza was still alive. I knew he was just waiting for a chance to strike back at his enemies. So I told those around me not to escape. Let the authorities come for us instead. Then there was gunfire. He was firing at his enemies with a machine gun. Those who were at the escape hatch fled abandoning us once again. It's like a nightmare with no end and to wake up means a certain death. Then somebody from outside the bus threw a canister. It forced out a black smoke that is so painful to the eyes and putrid smelling to the nose. People started screaming. We cannot breathe. Some ran in front of the bus but Mister Mendoza warned them of stray bullets. It was too late. One was hit on the head, the other was hit on the shoulders. Bullets were now flying. Its like the authorities thought we were all dead. Mister Mendoza finally realizes his mistake and said sorry to everyone, dead or alive. He then ran towards the front of the bus where he would meet his maker. As he passed by my chair with bullets whistling overhead, I clutched my hand on the velvet curtain and wrapped it around my face. All I could think of was to stay alive - for my child who is waiting for me back in Xinjang. I know I will survive,
I will come home.
Bang Lu Min
Survivor, Quirino Bloodbath
everything happens for a reason... sa aking sariling opinyon, instead of blaming others for their lapses on this mishap, maybe we should dig deeper unto this... ano na nga ba ang lessons learned?
Postcripts Of A BloodBath
by Bang Lu Min
(One of the Hostages)
Mr. Mendoza was already upset even before he saw on television what the policemen did to his brother. The other tourists who remained inside the bus were complaining. Wei Ji Jiang wanted to go to the bathroom. Dao Chi Yu was hungry and the rest were just groaning and whining like they have forgotten that our lives rest in Mr. Mendoza's hands.
The hostage taker, as you know him was really nice. He treated us okay and even let the elders and the children leave the bus. He said your policemen treated him unfairly. He was a policeman too and was accused of doing something he had no knowledge of. But your government didn't listen so he used us to get everyone's attention.
Things would have never turned for the worst if he didn't see how his family was dragged out of their house and taken into custody. He was watching the news all the time as we huddled around each other behind the bus. He shouted some words in your language then started shooting in the air. A girl about my age started screaming. Mr. Mendoza demanded her to stop but she didn't understand English. God, he had to slash her neck with a knife just to put her to rest. Her boyfriend who tried to hit him was shot in the head.
Tension was rising. You can see in his face how scared and confused he was. The bus driver ran away leaving him alone with strangers from a distant land. I can see him walking across the aisle, sometimes pointing his machine gun to one of the tourists. But he tried his best not to hurt us, especially those who really cooperate.
I guess its in your nature not to inflict pain on others unless it was necessary. I remember him saying that he will free us before sundown and implored us to forget everything when we return home. But his words don't matter now. The policemen were trying to force their way in, while we all lied down to shield ourselves from bullets. Mister Mendoza blindly shoots at his enemies which I think kept them from rescuing us. I hear sobs under the chairs. Some were even shouting the names of their loved ones even when the air merely eat their words. Kevin Tang tried to escape when the glass door was was shattered, but one shot and he slumped on the floor with blood gushing from his mouth.
Heavy rain pitter-pattered on the rooftop. In old Chinese saying, it means an end to a struggle. Finally, somebody was able to open the escape hatch at the back of the bus. Freedom. But I knew Mister Mendoza was still alive. I knew he was just waiting for a chance to strike back at his enemies. So I told those around me not to escape. Let the authorities come for us instead. Then there was gunfire. He was firing at his enemies with a machine gun. Those who were at the escape hatch fled abandoning us once again. It's like a nightmare with no end and to wake up means a certain death. Then somebody from outside the bus threw a canister. It forced out a black smoke that is so painful to the eyes and putrid smelling to the nose. People started screaming. We cannot breathe. Some ran in front of the bus but Mister Mendoza warned them of stray bullets. It was too late. One was hit on the head, the other was hit on the shoulders. Bullets were now flying. Its like the authorities thought we were all dead. Mister Mendoza finally realizes his mistake and said sorry to everyone, dead or alive. He then ran towards the front of the bus where he would meet his maker. As he passed by my chair with bullets whistling overhead, I clutched my hand on the velvet curtain and wrapped it around my face. All I could think of was to stay alive - for my child who is waiting for me back in Xinjang. I know I will survive,
I will come home.
Bang Lu Min
Survivor, Quirino Bloodbath
everything happens for a reason... sa aking sariling opinyon, instead of blaming others for their lapses on this mishap, maybe we should dig deeper unto this... ano na nga ba ang lessons learned?
Gerald Anderson

name: Randolf Opsima Anderson Jr.
bday: March 7, 1989 (Subic Bay, Zambales, Philippines)
Gerald Anderson did not win 'Pinoy Big Brother: Teen Edition.' His father is Randy Anderson, an American while his mother is Evangeline Opsima, a Filipina. Gerald also has a younger brother, Kenneth, and two older sisters from his mother's first marriage, Jen and Darling. When he was three years old, he and his family moved to San Antonio, Texas, and then to Missouri when he was six. Finally, when he was 14, they moved back to the Philippines in General Santos City, which he now calls home.
He was discovered by Joross Gamboa while the latter was performing in Gen. Santos City, where Gerald is based. Joross introduced him to his manager, Jun Reyes, who then brought him to ABS-CBN to join PBB Teen Edition.
He rose to fame when he placed third overall in the first Pinoy Big Brother: Teen Edition with 293,234 votes. He was billed as the Amboy Hottie from General Santos City. Since the end of the Pinoy Big Brother: Teen Edition, Anderson along with his love team partner have appeared together in several shows on the ABS-CBN Network and have been tapped to do several TV ads and product endorsements. Gerald also has worked on a primetime television series entitled Sana Maulit Muli which is one of the most watched TV programs in the year of 2007. They recently launched their second teleserye in ABS-CBN entitled My Girl where he plays Julian and costars with another hunk Enchong Dee.
Gerald along with Kim Chiu has co-starred in two movies, First Day High which premiered on September 27, 2006 and a year later, their first solo movie I've Fallen For You directed by Lino Cayetano which premiered nationwide on September 26, 2007. Gerald Jr. and Kim Chiu will also be having their 3rd team-up in a movie together entitled One Hello under Star Cinema.
Jirecho Rosales

name: Jericho Vibar Rosales
nick: Echo
bday: September 22, 1979 (Quezon City)
zodiac: Virgo
height: 5'11"
weight: 170 lbs.
religion: Roman Catholic
father: Santiago Rosales
mother: Rosario Vibar
fave color: Blue
fave food: All except Japanese
fave music: New Wave
fave musician: Depeche Mode, Sugar Ray, Rob Thomas, Limp Bizkit
fave perfume: Gap, CK, Contradiction, Armani
fave actors: Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, John Malcovich, Keanu Reeves, Mel Gibson
fave actresses: Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Uma Thurman, Helen Hunt, Chin Chin Gutierrez
fave movies: The Matrix and Fight Club
hobbies: Playstation, ice hockey, basketball, surfing, baseball
Jericho Rosales joined Star Circle 4 in 1997. On the small screen, he was featured in several Maalaala Mo Kaya episodes, Pangako sa 'Yo, Sana'y Wala Nang Wakas and Ang Panday. The telenovela Pangako sa 'Yo made him a common household name, not only in the Philippines, but also in other South East Asian Countries as well, such as Malaysia.
He was discovered in a local noontime show, Eat Bulaga, after winning Mr. Pogi, a male looks and personality contest in 1996.
His acting in the episode of Maalaala Mo Kaya (Pasa) earned him his first Best Actor Star Award from the PMPC.
His transition to the big screen was an effortless one and his stand-out performances in critically-acclaimed films such as Tanging Yaman, Bagong Buwan, Noon at Ngayon, Santa Santita, and Nasaan Ka Man sealed his status as a serious actor. His last feature film was the life story of world boxing champion Manny Pacquiao wherein he played the lead. The result was another Best Actor Star Award from the PMPC in 2007.
Having recently reinvented himself as a vocalist, Echo makes music with as much passion as he pursues his other loves: performing and surfing.
His first effort, LOOSE FIT, a self-penned 14-song album with his band Jeans was released in Malaysia in 2007 and eventually was picked up for local release by EMI Philippines. Though it made critics heads turn, his tv and film followers were taken aback by the progressive direction that his initial music foray took and sales were tepid.
His 2-night sold out show, Raw Energy, at the Music Museum in 2007 was well received by both critics and the public. It was this collaboration with Philippine music icon Gary Valenciano that put him on the local music map. “Paglisan,” the first single from his latest album JERICHO, released by EMI hit number one in top-rating radio stations. A follow-up single, “Beautiful In My Eyes,” has started to attain similar success, topping public-request lists in top ranked fm stations Love Radio and Baranggay LS.
Asidfe from being active in his charity work with the Shining Light Foundation, Echo is currently filming a tv series in Malaysia and the Hollywood movie "I Love You Virus".
Some photo credits from Joseph Ong.
Here's a list of his achievements:
Best Actor for Pacquaio: The Movie from Pampelikulang Samahan ng mga Dalubguro 2007
Best Actor (tie with Piolo Pascual) for Pacquaio: The Movie from 23rd PMPC Star Awards Movies 2007
Most Popular Love Team (with Kristine Hermosa)from Guillermo Mendoza Memorial Scholarship Foundation Awards 2002
Most Promising Group (the Hunks with Piolo Pascual, Bernard Palanca, Carlos Agassi and Diether Ocampo) from Guillermo Mendoza Memorial Scholarship Foundation Awards 2002
Prince of Philippine Movies from Guillermo Mendoza Memorial Scholarship Foundation Awards 2001
Most Popular Love Team (with Kristine Hermosa) from Guillermo Mendoza Memorial Scholarship Foundation Awards 2001
Best Single Performance by a Lead Actor for Maalaala Mo Kaya “Pasa” from PMPC Star Awarads for TV 2000
Best Young Male Performer from Guillermo Mendoza Memorial Scholarship Foundation Awards 1999
Best Single Performance by a Lead Actor for Maalaala Mo Kaya “Pampang” from PMPC Star Awards for TV 1998
Best New Male TV Performer from Parangal ng Bayan 1998
Best New TV Personality from PMPC Star Awards for TV 1998
Richard Gutierrez

name: Richard Kristian Rama Gutierrez
nick: Chard, Ricardo
bday: January 21, 1984 (Beverly Hills, California)
height: 5'11"
hobbies: basketball, boxing, martial arts
pet: Siberian Husky named "Ziggy"
fave actors: Albert Martinez, Cesar Montano, FPJ, Johhny Depp, Edward Norton, Sean Penn, Morgan Freeman
fave movies: Gladiator and Land Before Time (cartoon)
fave tv series: Heroes, Laws, Friends, That 70's Show
fave singer: Regine Velasquez
fashion icon: Tom Cruise
fears: Losing a loved one
pet peeves: traffic, back stabbers
Richard is the highest paid young actor in the Philippines today. His Mulawin stint started the whole telefantasya race. Aside from his modeling and acting, Richard is also busy with his hobbies. His interest in cars bore fruit in his latest venture, Events Management. Now, he is busy with 'Codename: Asero' as Grecko Abesamis� the next expected teleserye hit and an untitled movie with KC Concepcion to be shot in Greece.
Richard is the son of former Philippine cinema matinee idol Eddie Gutiérrez and former actress turned talent manager Annabelle Rama. Richard has acted alongside his other brother Elvis on 'Sugo' (2005) as Miguel, Amante, Conde Vergonze; 'Lupin' (2007) as Lupin & 'Kamandag' (2007) as Vergel/Kamandag. He started as a child actor along with his twin brother Raymond Gutierrez.
Besides his twin brother Raymond, he has four other siblings: his only sister was former Ms. World 1st runner-up & actress Ruffa Gutierrez, brothers are Elvis, Rocky, and Ritchie Paul, an upcoming hip-hop musician.
He has two half-brothers (his father's sons from previous relationships): Tonton Gutierrez & Ramon Christopher.
Richard Gutierrez gained nationwide popularity through the fantasy series 'Mulawin' as Aguiluz when it began airing on August 2, 2004 and ended on March 18, the year after, where he was paired with Angel Locsin who played Alwina. The series solidified the number 1 place for GMA Network with a peak of nearly 50%. A feature length film was created, 'Mulawin: The Movie.' Then from the graphic novel by Mars Ravelo, Gutierrez played the role of Captain Barbel/Teng. The series lasted for 165 episodes (Richard's second longest to date). He also ranked No. 1 in Chalk Magazine's "50 Hottest Men in Philippine Showbiz" in 2005. And he received the 'German Moreno Youth Achievement Award' from Famas last 2004
His other tv projects include Mars Ravelos' Captain Barbell Meets Darna (2008) as Captain Barbell/Potenciano "Teng" Magtanggol/Arel, 'Kakabakaba Adventures' as Raffy The Vampire, 'Click Barkada Hunt'(2004) as host, Love to Love (season 1: Maid For Each Other as Ralph and season 2: My 1,2 Love as JM/Thomas)(2003), 'Habang Kapiling Ka'(2002) as Basilio Malvarosa, 'Click'(2001) as Enzo, 'ikaw lang Ang Mamahalin'(2001) as Inyigo. He has been with SOP since 2005 and Nuts Entertainment since 2003.
He recently appeared on 'My Monster Mom'(2008) and 'My Best Friend's Girlfriend(2008) as Primitivo 'Evo' Gonzales. His current/upcoming movie projects are 'When I Met You'(2009), 'For the First Time' (2008), and 'Dagaw'(2008) as Reden.
Here's a list of his other past projects:
'The Promise'(2007) as Daniel
'Mano Po 5: Gua Ai Di'92006) as Nathan
'I Will Always Love You'(2006) as Justin
'Mulawin the Movie'(2005) as Aguiluz
'Let the Love Begin'(2005) as Eric
'Pinoy Blonde'(2005) in a cameo appearance
'Sigaw (The Echo)'(2004) as Marvin
'I Will Survive'(2004) as BJ
'Kuya'(2004) as Ted
'Mano Po Two: My Home'(2003) as Erickson Tan
'Bakit Papa?'(2002) as Dong
'Takbo Talon Tili'(1992) as Tito (segment "Mga Laruan nina Kiko Tito at Toto")
'Bikining Itim'(1990), Mga Batang Pikutin'(1990), Feel na Feel '(1989), 'Love Boat'(1989), 'Juan Tanga, super naman, at ang kambal na tiyanak'(1988), 'One two bato three four bapor'(1988), and 'Lahing pikuti'(1987)
2008 1st Annual Filipino American Visionary Awards - Outstanding Performance by an Actor
2008 YES! Magazine Awards - Most Handsome Celebrity
2008 YES! Magazine Awards - Most Fashionable Young Male Celebrity
2008 38th Box-Office Entertainment Awards - King of Valentine Movies
2008 38th Box-Office Entertainment Awards - Prince of Philippine Movies
2005 FAMAS Awards - Mr. FAMAS Popularity
2005 Chalk Magazine's 50 Hottest Men in Philippine Showbiz - Ranked No. 1
2005 Metro Manila Film Festival - Male Star of the Night
2005 Box Office Entertainment Awards - Prince of Philippine Movies and TV
Dennis Trillo

name: Abelardo Dennis Florencio Ho
bday: May 12, 1981 (Quezon City)
pre-school / elementary: Ateneo de Manila University
secondary: Jose Abad Santos Memorial High School
college: International Studies, Miriam College
siblings: 3
Dennis Trillo's career in entertainment started in 2001, when he was introduced as one of the young talents for the 10th batch of Star Circle, ABS-CBN Network’s artist machinery (now known as Star Magic). He was seen in the television soap opera 'Sa Dulo ng Walang Hanggan'(2001) as Jojo the confidante of one of the lead stars. Despite his exposure, Trillo’s career did not really take off.
An amusing trivia is that he was the voice of Steve Armstrong in 'Chôdenji mashin Borutesu Faibu'(1977) otherwise known as Voltes V.
He transfered to GMA7 and became a part of 'Twin Hearts'(2003), 'Kahit Kailan' and as Alfred in 'Love to Love.'
Dannis played Gabriel in the popular telefantasya (fantasy-themed TV series) 'Mulawin'(2004). He made his film debut in 'Aishite Imasu 1941: Mahal Kita'(2004) as Ignacio/Inya, where he received raves for his portrayal of a cross-dressing spy for the HUKBALAHAP during the advent of the Japanese invasion in World War II. For Aishite Imasu, he received several awards and citations including Best Supporting Actor from the '30th Metro Manila Film Festival' and Best Actor trophies from the 'Film Academy of the Philippines,' the 'PMPC Star Awards For Movies,' and the 'Young Critics Circle.' He was also in Mano Po 3: My Love.
2005 proved to be a more fruitful year for Trillo. He was part of the hit TV adaptation of the Mars Ravelo comic, 'Darna,' where he played Efren/Lalaking Ahas the love interest of both the titular super-heroine as well as her archenemy Valentina. He was later part of the drama anthology 'Now and Forever: Agos,' where he again showcased his acting prowess. That same year he reprised his role for 'Mulawin: The Movie,' and was also in the film 'Blue Moon' and "Blue Moon' as Kyle Pineda.
Dennis was again cast as a lead in 'Etheria'(2005), where he portrayed the Sapirian prince, Raquim. He also appeared in popular television fantasy series aptly called 'Majika'(2006) as Argo, a provocatively clad Salamanca (wizard) with finesse in archery who teaches his protégée Sabina (Angel Locsin) how to hone her craft and become a powerful sorceress. Aside from his television show, Dennis also starred in the horror-suspense film 'Pamahiin'(2006) as Noah.
Recognizing his passion for making music, GMA also included him as a co-host for the network's noontime show 'SOP' where he also displays his talent for drums as part of the show's Starband.
While playing Rod Henson in 'Magdusa Ka'(2008), he replaced Gabby Concepcion in 'I.T.A.L.Y. (I Trust and Love You)'(2008) as Paolo Guzman. After leading the soldiers of 'Zaido: Pulis Pangkalawakan'(2007) he is slated to take the lead in the tv series 'Gagamboy'(2008).
He is rumored to play Fernando Jose in the remake of 'Rosalinda' slated to run on 2009. And he has finished shooting 'Kulam'(2008) which is now in post-production as of this writing.
His other work credits are as follows:
"E.S.P." as Jared (5 episodes, 2008)
- The Rescue (2008) TV episode .... Jared
- A Slumber Spell (2008) TV episode .... Jared
- Possessions (2008) TV episode .... Jared
- The Soul of Lucas (2008) TV episode .... Jared
- A Ghostly Past (2008) TV episode .... Jared
'Gagambino'(2008) as Gagambino
'Zaido: Pulis Pangkalawakan'(2007) as Gallian Magdalion/Zaido Blue
'Shake, Rattle & Roll 9'(2007) as Jerome (segment "Bangungot")
'Kung Mahawi Man Ang Ulap'(2007) as Stan Malabanan
'Super Twins'(2007) as Eliseo and Eliazar
'Bubble Gang 11th Anniversary'(2006)
'Txt'(2006) as Alex
'Now and Forever'
- Agos (2006) as Danilo
- Dangal (2006) as Adrian
'Art Angel'(2006)
'Mahiwagang Baul: Ang lihim ng bolang apoy'(2005) as Tonio
John Lloyd Cruz

bday: June 24, 1983
nick: Lloydy
girlfriend: Liz Uy
The Aga Muhlach of his generation, John Lloyd Cruz has come a long way since his 'Tabing Ilog'(2000) stint as Ronald Victor 'Rovic' Mercado and 'Koolits' days (a trio with Baron Geisler and Marc Solis). He has become one of the most bankable stars of Star Cinema and ABS-CBN. He is slated to do the telenovela remake of 'Maria Mercedes' as Jorge Luis del Olmo next year with Angel Locsin and, probably, a Valentine movie offering from Star Cinema.
Once a member of the hunky all-male group Coverboys, John Lloyd is now being paired with several of the hottest female celebs in the Kapamilya network. Now showing is the funny love story 'A Very Special Love'(2008) with John Lloyd playing Mickey Montenegro.
In 2006, he was launched as a member of all-male group Coverboys with Sam Milby, Zanjoe Marudo, Rafael Rosell, Victor Basa and Jake Cuenca.
Here's the long list of his work credits:
'Maging sino ka man: Ang pagbabalik'(2007) as Gabriel 'Eli ' Hidalgo Roxas
'One More Chance'(2007) as Popoy Gonzalez
'Maging sino ka man'(2006) as Eli Davide
'Star Magic Presents: My Angel' as Martin
'Komiks: Bampy'
'All About Love'(2006) as Eric
'Close to You'(2006) as Manuel/Palits
'Dubai'(2005) as Andrew
'Ikaw ang lahat sa akin'(2005) as Oliver Ynares
'Now That I Have You'(2004) as Michael Morelos
'It Might Be You'(2003) as Earl Lawrence Trinidad
'My First Romance: Two Hearts'(2003) as Enzo
'Bituin'(2002) as Atty. Yuri Orbida
'Kay tagal kang hinintay'(2002) as Yuri Orbida
'Forevermore'(2002) as Boyet
'Sa puso ko, iingatan ka'(2001) as Adrian Montecillo
'Sa dulo ng walang hanggan'(2001)
'Tabing ilog'(2000) as Ronald Victor 'Rovic' Mercado
'Mahal na kung mahal'(1999) as Igi Boy
'Sa sandaling kailangan mo ako'(1998)
'Gimik'(1996) as Junie de Dios
And now here are the awards he has garnered over his years in showbiz:
2008 One More Chance Box Office King Guillermo Memorial Scholarship Foundation
2007 All About Love Best Actor winner Luna Awards (Film Academy of the Philippines).[1]
2007 Maging Sino Ka Man Best Drama Actor winner PMPC Star Awards for TV
2007 Close To You Best Actor (Musical or Comedy) nominee ENPRESS Golden Screen Awards
2007 Maging Sino Ka Man Best Drama Actor winner USTV Students Choice Awards
2006 Dubai Best Performance nominee Young Critics Circle Awards
2006 Dubai Best Supporting Actor nominee Gawad Urian
2006 Dubai Best Supporting Actor nominee Luna Awards (Film Academy of the Philippines)
2006 Dubai Best Supporting Actor winner FAMAS Awards
2006 Dubai Best Supporting Actor winner Maria Clara Awards
2006 Dubai Best Supporting Actor winner PMPC Star Awards for Movies
2006 Dubai Best Supporting Actor nominee Pasado Awards
2006 Dubai Best Supporting Actor nominee Gawad Tanglaw
2006 Dubai Film Actors of the Year winner (with Aga Muhlach) Guillermo Memorial Scholarship Foundation
2006 Ikaw Ang Lahat Sa Akin Best Drama Actor winner USTV Students Choice Awards
2006 Ikaw Ang Lahat Sa Akin Best Drama Actor nominee PMPC Star Awards for TV
2006 Maalaala Mo Kaya - Greeting Card Best Single Performance by a Lead Actor nominee PMPC Star Awards for TV
2005 Now That I Have You Best Actor (Musical or Comedy) nominee ENPRESS Golden Screen Awards
2005 It Might Be You Best Drama Actor winner USTV Students Choice Awards
2005 It Might Be You Best Drama Actor winner PMPC Star Awards for TV
2005 Ikaw Ang Lahat Sa Akin Best Drama Actor nominee ENPRESS Golden Screen Awards
2005 Maalaala Mo Kaya - Skating Rink Best Single Performance by a Lead Actor winner ENPRESS Golden Screen Awards
2005 Now That I Have You Prince of RP Movies winner Guillermo Memorial Scholarship Foundation
2004 Kay Tagal Kitang Hinintay Best Drama Actor nominee PMPC Star Awards for TV
2004 Tabing-Ilog Best Drama Actor nominee ENPRESS Golden Screen Awards
2004 Most Popular Loveteam (with Bea Alonzo) winner Guillermo Memorial Scholarship Foundation
2001 Tabing-Ilog Best Drama Actor winner PMPC Star Awards for TV
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