Wednesday, September 8, 2010

MeTube, YouTube

Been trawling the deep dark recesses of YouTube lately during my random breaks at the office. A necessary evil, this. Keeping your sanity in the face of 200 page agreements dictate as such.

YouTube. The best thing since sliced bread, then. Never have voyeuristic pleasures been so well-catered for. One website with a seemingly limitless supply of snapshots from other people's lives.

You’d be amazed at the stuff you’ll find there these days. I’ve even devised a game of amusement built around YouTube’s searchable database. It goes a little something like this:

(1) Open YouTube.
(2) Click on the search tab.
(3) Key in the first thing that comes into your head.
(4) Click on the first video that appears.

The results are usually quite amusing.

Last week, the words “lady” and “driver” popped in my head, no thanks to a frustrating encounter with one earlier in the. What I found was this:

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