Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's finally Over!

After six seasons with a total of ninety-four episodes, I can finally announce that I have finished watching the complete series of the show Sex and the City. I have been deprived of so many sleeps over the months just to catch up on this show.

I don't know what is so addictive about the series even after I've finished watching it. It could be the hilarious lines or the hot men featured along each episode but if you asked me if it's good or whether I would recommend others to watch, my answer would be this-Watch it if you have the free time.

I'm not saying it's not good but I still can't see what makes me attracted to it in the first place. I know, it's a weird feeling because it's either you love it or hate it but for me, I can't even say I like it. When my friend asked how's the show or if I like it, I say, "It's ok."

Honestly, I have never watched any TV show or series in its entire complete seasons. I like the series 24 starring Kiefer Sutherland as the agent Jack Bauer but I watched until the fifth season and never got a chance to continue because my friend borrowed it from another friend and the lending process just kind of stopped. Maybe I should get my hands on it and continue watching because it has only eight seasons and that means three more seasons for me to complete it.

So, what TV series/show have you watched in its entire seasons that you think it's good? Do recommend me some as I'm running out of shows to watch.

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