Saturday, September 4, 2010

To Wear or Not To Wear

This is not about clothing but condom. Some gay men prefer to have safe sex and would only fuck or let the other guy fuck with condom but I’m sure every man out there, be it straight or gay would like to have sex without having to wear anything around their penis but it seems to be an impossible these days since the existence of STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) and the most fearing of all... AIDS.

Recently, a female singer from an all-girl group in Germany was charged and trial for having unprotected sex with men without disclosing to the men that she has HIV positive and unfortunately, one of the men she had sex with has been infected with the virus. The irony is the name of the pop group is No Angels.

So the next time you find a hot sexy hunk or a cute young teenage boy from those gay personal sites and wanted to have sex with him, do you believe him if he told you he is clean, and very healthy from any disease? Do you believe his words? What is your prevention from getting any if he lies? What if he’s those who has infected with the virus from other men and he felt angry and wanted to take revenge but he can’t find that guy as he doesn’t know which guy passed the disease to him and so, he take it out to other guys who sleep with him. What happens if you’re the next guy? Are you willing to take the risk?

I know some would say, “Well, we are all going to die eventually. It’s just a matter of time so why bother about such thing. Life is short. Have fun!” Yes, I agree that life is short and we should live life to the fullest but it doesn’t mean we can go risking our lives like that. Honestly, I don’t think anyone would like to spend their old days looking at the effect of the disease on their skin and body. Who wants to suffer at such old age? Don’t you wish to spend your golden age enjoying life slowly and healthily?

No wonder some gay would end their lives once they found out they have the disease because they cannot face the future with the virus in their body. Well, at the end of the day, the decision is in your hands and your future lies in the decision you make today.

To wear or not to wear? You make the decision.

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