Thursday, November 8, 2007


I just ran across this on a conservative group on Facebook:
Gay marriage should not be legalized. It will only undermine the meaning of the family. It will not only harm their children (they may adopt), but will also lower marriage rates, cause more instability in the marriages that are enacted, more fatherless children, increase rates of domestic violence and poverty, and a vast expansion of welfare state expenses.It makes some sense at the beginning, but then degenerates into gibberish. What the fuck? How could allowing more marriages lower marriage rates? Presumably they mean allowing gay marriage would lower straight marriage rates. How would that work, unless they mean that gay men won't marry their beards anymore? So, are they saying that sham marriages are a good thing? But this is my favorite: How could gay marriage possibly increase rates of domestic violence and poverty?! That is a bogeyman if ever I saw one. And a non-sequitur to boot. Why don't they just go ahead and say what they are thinking...if we allow gay marriage, Lucifer himself will be belched out of the cesspit of immorality that is Massachussetts and consume the good Christian people of the Red States.If half our country didn't believe shit like this, it would almost be funny.

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