yesterday i was with my friend, i called her the queen of plaza, which is spanish for mall. she knows everything. when she called me earlier that day i asked her if she is breaking her promise that she will not shop this month because her credit card is filled up to its maximum limit after she went on a shopping frenzy the past months. she said we will just look around. she wants to get this teddy bear that you have to dressed up, its not really pricey but the problem is you have to go to the store early if you don't want to line up because this shop is very popular and everyday its raking in thousands of dollars in profit. it seems the easiest way to the heart of any puerto rican is through a teddy bear. there's really nothing special about the store its the concept. once you get your teddy bear, you have to shop for his shirt, underwear, short, shoes, watch, accessories, hat, in other words its like baby shopping. which translates into dollar amount for the store owner. such a clever idea. later on that day after being in line for almost two hours for that teddy bear. both of us are exhausted, we had some pasta and strawberry shakes. i popped the question to her, not the proposal one, silly, i asked her what's the difference between banana republic, gap and old navy. she said in her matter of fact tone, if you are cash less and you want a shirt you have to do it the navy way. if you like to see cute ones, you have to go to gap, cause it seems most of their sales clerk is cute these days. and if you want to have the studio feel experience you have to trust the banana. but she warned me the thing with going with the studio feel, is that you have to pay the extra cash. it turned out she was wrong, i got a five dollar shirt at banana republic and i shed thirty five for a short at the navy. and that's when i lost her. i hate doing this but i reported her name to the mall's information center. and so she was in the lost person list. her description and name was announced in the mall's loud speaker. actually i was thinking of going to office depot, do a photocopy of her picture which is in my wallet and paste it on the walmart's missing persons wall right by the store's entrance, i was gonna do that next but minutes later she came to the information desk, was all red all over, with an embarrassed look, she said to me i should not have done that, i asked her done what, you were missing, i told her that i panicked, i looked all over the place and still i can't find her, i mean this is a huge mall, the biggest in the whole US, so what does she expect me to do but resort to desperate measures, she doesn't mind that her name was announced all over the place but its the description that bothered her she said i should have said nutrition challenged instead of the word kinda fat or she added i should have gone jenny craig patient. i laughed. i apologized. both of us laughed. what stops me from making another giggle is that she told me we have to line up again for those smiling teddy bears. which also means that we will again be stuck for hours cause the line would be literally outside the store by the time we get there.
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