Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Still the One...

Man oh man... She is Still the ONE..No matter what I do, I still love her.. I really gave her a combo punch earlier this day. I was really guilty right now. I told her that she's a liar. I told her that all she said and told me are all lies.. Man, i know she was hurt that time. I wish i could undo it.I was just really hurt. I was not thinking what i was doing then. Deep inside, i know she's so honest to me(she's even more honest to me than her bf). And deep inside, i trust her a lot. Sooooo much. I know the damage is done, but i want to let her know that i meant nothing when i told her that she was lying all along. MITCh, if you're reading right now, read this by heart:I LOVE YOUNOW I KNOW, that di na au ka katoo ani coz' of what i did, coz' i have been hurting u a lot. It's ok, i can't blame you.. Simply, I LOVE YOU Mommy Kowwww. By heart and By soul, i honestly do.. T_T... Forgive me please..She texted me just a while ago and said that Ken took care of her ganina. I could have done the same thing if I was there, but that's not the case. Right now, i don't have any authority or right on her. She took it all away. She has a fever right now, and what i did is just made it worse. As what i said, i did not mean it. Everyday tears me apart. I miss her a lot. But i don't think she misses me. She must be hating me right now already. She's so happy with him right now. I know she's not hurt when she made her decision. She's just hurt because of the words i had thrown at her. Well, that's what i think.. Bottomline is, i love her sooo much. God knows it. and i hope she does.. T_T...Maybe something has happened between her and her bf already or maybe will happen one of these days. I'm not ready for it yet. I was so guilty right now of doing "the thing" with her back then. I really don't want her to let go. I want to protect her. I don't want her to land to another guy actually. I don't know if she's even considering this thing. She's not even honest with her bf. And i for one, don't have a plan to let the people know what had happened to us. I'm not that desperate to do such thing. Only my cousin knows it. I pray that one day, she'll be back in my arms. She might be thinking that I'm just after her body, but I'm not. I love her with all my heart. And maybe it's wrong to say "please love me too". I don't know if this is wrong, but i think i know to whom she should belong. Please come back my. please... I'll love you more than ever... You know what i am capable of if you are just beside me.. Without you, you know I'm gonna fail in many things.. I need you in my life.. And i don't know if you mean that "i need you" thing, coz' if you really do, you'll come back to me... I'll make things right again if you'll give me another chance. I'll be a better man. .. Mommy, please... T_T

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