Thursday, November 8, 2007

Why They Are Ignoring Me?

Ok, they're really not. But have you ever had a time when it SEEMS like all your friends are ignoring you? If any one or two of them were delayed in replying to you, you would think nothing of it. But when, coincidentally, ALL of them aren't getting back, it starts to get a little uncomfortable. I am the type who remembers birthdays and notices when people get their hair cut. So in the last week, I sent out all sorts of little notes of that type. I asked two of them how their first week of grad school went. I asked one whether he finally found a roommate. I asked one whether he enjoyed his visit to LA. I asked another whether the group members for his semester project have finally started contributing. I asked another how he likes his new job. You know, just little stuff. None of it is important. And I wouldn't care if none of them ever replied; it's not like I actually need to know the answers. I'm just being polite. But when they ALL don't reply, I shed a little tear. (not really)

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