Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Simple Blog!

a simple blog.look at thestars! look how they shine for you and everything you do yeah they were allyellow i came along i wrote a song for you and all the things you do yeah itwascalled yellow so then i took my time oh what a thing to've done and itwas allyellowyou're skin oh yeah you're skin and bones turned in tosomethingbeautiful and you know you know i love you so you know i love yousocircumferencei wander aimlessly, my white wingsoutstretched to theedge of the world.inch by inch foot by foot i floatcloser to nowhere,closer to nothinga world reveals itself under me, asi observe withlonesome eyes.endless it may seem, this empty life ismore complete thatanything.the illustrious mountain top, with itssprinkle of snow and flurryof forest.emerging from the world beneathmy wings, she recognizes myexistence.that sole soul reaches out to me,touches me, knows me.themountain stands sedentary, yet tall and proud,her own existence visible.iapproach her, adore her, understand her,praise her for the gift she has givenme.i pass through her radiantlandscapes, every detail appreciated, allmemories grasploosens as i drift further and further to whatlies ahead.yet on thispath i chose, i bring the knowledge that one day iwill return.returnto her, return from my journey through a now edgelessworld.....!

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