Saturday, November 10, 2007

I'm Busted!

You, my dear readers, are soooo fuckin busted. YOU JUST SKIM OVER MY ENTRIES!Hmph.Goes to show you (okay, some got it, but MOST OF YOU) didn't really read. Gah.I am sooo not pregnant. Pardon my disillusionment, but no, I can't forgive you to be a voyeur of my life and not really knowing (or reading, for that matter) what I'm all about. Hmph. *pout pout*I've been receiving messages and emails and what not's, congratulating me. Sigh. I can't believe you guys...tsk tsk.So I've been keeping myself busy lately. July has rolled around, and I don't feel like turning 26 on the 25th *hint hint*. Seriously though, I keep insisting I am a kid, and I oftentimes act like one and whenever I am reminded of THE date, I just wish I could put a stop at it. Can I just be 17 forever? Cos when I was 17, my dad gave me the most precious gift he could possibly give me: freedom. When I was 17, I got into my beloved sorority and really learned how to enjoy college. I had men wrapped around my finger, oh my god, it was such a high to be a woman-child at that precocious time. I promised myself that I wouldn't be a virgin when I turned 18, so I got that one pretty much covered a few months before my birthday. Bitch Goddess Junior is turning 17 soon, and just looking at her and her giggly, Paris Hilton-smelling posse just reminds me how I was way ahead than my peers when I was her age. Sure, we talked about boys during jammy parties, painted our toenails silly and tried to sneak out at night to watch Eraserheads. But I always knew I was wiser; I was an old soul. I'm lamenting. Sigh. I know, I will get reactions like, "Hey, you're still young! 26 is not so bad. It gets bad when you're 40." RIGHT. That is, if I get to live till 40. I highly doubt that. :)Okay dahlings, this is just a light and silly one. Bitch Goddess not accepting she's getting old.Ta ta.

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